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Double trouble update!

Double trouble update! published on No Comments on Double trouble update!

Sorry for the lack of update but mostly for the lack of warning! A lot has been going on in my life lately and sometimes I tend to leave things last minute until they end up buried deep in my mind, thus, I constantly forget 😰.

Thank you for your patience and comments! You can always leave your comments on the pages or just send me on on Twitter!
Have an amazing weekend!

Page 52 and a thank you

Page 52 and a thank you published on No Comments on Page 52 and a thank you

These babies are just having fun, and that’s how everything should be!
thank you all who’s reading! Maybe this sections isn’t that interesting but I’d like to appreciate my readers. Even tho this is a nsfw comic, I take great pride in portraying a wholesome, soft and real experience because I feel it’s not portrayed enough, and maybe my comic isn’t as sexy as others, but I want to stay true to this purpose, later I’ll do something that is just horny but for now I just love it either way, and hope you too!
So thank you for reading and I hope you keep enjoying for the time it goes on and even later on.

Subscriptions fix

Subscriptions fix published on No Comments on Subscriptions fix

Hey guys! Hope you have been enjoying this better and streamlined website! It’s been a steep learning curve but I think I almost got it! So the thing is that, my previous subscriptions form was not working as I wanted it to, so I had to find something a bit more automatic and less hassly, good news, you should get emails accordingly, bad news, you may have to re-subscribe and I apologize for that! Hope it’s not too much trouble but I assure you it’s for the best!

Thank you and enjoy!

Thank you for your patience!

Thank you for your patience! published on 1 Comment on Thank you for your patience!

I really dont know how long it was… a month? 2? It feels like it took me forever, but I’m happy that I took my time, because now I can offer a better site! What’s new?:

  • You can now navigate without glitches or broken buttons.
  • Button in the middle selects a random page!
  • You can still be part of the update post on tumblr!
  • Updates will be semi-automatic, meaning you dont have to wait as much!
  • Work is much easier for me, so less grinding, more drawing!
  • For certain issues of copyright and discovering that my pages were being posted in shady places, I have disabled copying or screenshots, I’m sorry for the inconvenience but this is a necessary measure.

For Patrons:

  • You can connect your patreon to the site and navigate the the webcomic without looking for posts!
  • There is a mininum tier to have access (bro bat) so baby bat tier will see nsfw content until it goes public for everyone, but you will still have access to censored pages on Patreon.
  • There’s still some pages missing, but in the close future, you’ll be able to navigate until the latest page on Patreon!

Aditionally: Because of Patreon benefits, some pages will be locked for regular viewer, but worry not, they will be unlocked with every update. So, for example, if today you cant view page 36, then you’ll be able to see it next weekend, when its unlocked!

I’m in the process of generating automatic twitter updates, you can later keep an eye for them every saturday! I’ll update you about it.

Dont forget to subscribe to receive updates for pages, posts and any other update to the site.

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