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Page 52 and a thank you

Page 52 and a thank you published on No Comments on Page 52 and a thank you

These babies are just having fun, and that’s how everything should be!
thank you all who’s reading! Maybe this sections isn’t that interesting but I’d like to appreciate my readers. Even tho this is a nsfw comic, I take great pride in portraying a wholesome, soft and real experience because I feel it’s not portrayed enough, and maybe my comic isn’t as sexy as others, but I want to stay true to this purpose, later I’ll do something that is just horny but for now I just love it either way, and hope you too!
So thank you for reading and I hope you keep enjoying for the time it goes on and even later on.

Subscriptions fix

Subscriptions fix published on No Comments on Subscriptions fix

Hey guys! Hope you have been enjoying this better and streamlined website! It’s been a steep learning curve but I think I almost got it! So the thing is that, my previous subscriptions form was not working as I wanted it to, so I had to find something a bit more automatic and less hassly, good news, you should get emails accordingly, bad news, you may have to re-subscribe and I apologize for that! Hope it’s not too much trouble but I assure you it’s for the best!

Thank you and enjoy!

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